Gedächtnisallee 5
D-92696 Flossenbürg

+49 9603-90390-0

Plattling Subcamp

February 20, 1945 – April 24-25, 1945

  • Former airfield grounds Plattling, 2018 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck)

  • Former prisoners quarters in the school (right, next to the church), 2018 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck)


500, of whom 300 were Jews (Polish, Hungarian, Czech). The other prisoners were Czech, Russian, French and German, along with people from seven other nations.

Forced labor and quarters

Under the direction of the Organisation Todt (OT), the prisoners were forced to do groundwork at an airfield, which needed to be rebuilt for the planned deployment of jet fighters. For a few weeks the prisoners were quartered in a onetime boys’ school in the middle of Plattling, then in a fenced-in brickyard.

The prisoners suffered from extreme hunger. Warm meals were only distributed at the worksite, while SS men plundered the prisoners’ food parcels.


Detail leader Erich Sörensen and 52 SS guards

Death toll

In the registers, 40 instances of death are documented. The U.S. Army discovered 187 dead in a mass grave. It is however unclear whether all of those found in the mass grave were imprisoned at the subcamp Plattling.

Disbanding of the camp / end of the war

The camp was evacuated on April 24 or 25, 1945. The sick prisoners remained behind at the camp and were liberated on May 1 by American units. The others were forced to march southwards; those who survived were liberated south of Traunstein by American troops.


Since 1987, a commemorative stone at the Plattling Cemetery memorializes the dead of the subcamp and the deported Jewish citizens of Plattling.