Gedächtnisallee 5
D-92696 Flossenbürg

+49 9603-90390-0

Eisenberg (Jezeří) Subcamp

June 21, 1943 – April 27, 1945

  • Jezeří Castle, 2019 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck)


30 men, fourteen of them Russian, nine Germans, seven Poles (June 21, 1943)

Forced labor and quarters

The prisoners were quartered in the horse stables of the castle and in an old storeroom on the ground floor. They had to fence off the grounds and refit the building so that it could be used by the Reich Security Main Office as a special camp for 100 to 200 French officers. Most of the prisoners later worked in the kitchen of the special camp.


Detail leader Kamillo von Knorr-Krehan and 50 men (for both the subcamp and the special camp).

Death toll

No verifiable deaths

Disbanding of the camp / end of the war

The prisoners were able to leave the castle on April 27, 1945 after the guard squad had cleared off.


None. Today the castle is owned by the state and contains a museum.