Gedächtnisallee 5
D-92696 Flossenbürg

+49 9603-90390-0

Brüx (Most) Subcamp

September 1, 1944 - October 7, 1944

  • Brown coal mining near Ervěnice, 2019 (Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial / Photo: Rainer Viertlböck)

  • Payment claim issued by the Flossenbürg commandant’s office, 1944 (Bundesarchiv Berlin)


1,000 prisoners: over 600 Poles, 200 from the Soviet Union, 50 French, 40 Germans, and men from a further ten countries

Forced labor and quarters

The prisoners worked in the coalmines of the Sudetenländische Bergbau AG in Seestadtl, eight kilometers from Brüx.


Detail leader Gustav Göttling and 25 men

Death toll

Four prisoners

Disbanding of the camp / end of the war

A contingent of prisoners was transferred to the Flossenbürg main camp, while another was sent to the Leitmeritz subcamp, where the prisoners had to dig tunnels for the relocation project “Richard”.

